Meet AIAFS' Expert Trainers
Steve Breitbarth, M. Div., LMFT, CISM
Chaplain Steve Breitbarth, M. Div., LMFT, CISM, is a former Parish Pastor and has been a MN Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Grief Counselor for over 30 years, a Crisis/Emergency Chaplain for over 20 years with more than 1,000 hours of training, recently attaining Diplomate status with the International Conference of Police Chaplains along with being an ICPC Instructor and a Disaster Response Chaplain. He currently serves as a Chaplain to local Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, and Ambulance/EMS Services. For over 20-years, he has facilitated several CISM Defusing and Debriefings with Law Enforcement and Emergency Services. He currently is providing Emotional and Counseling Support for several Law Enforcement and EMS Agencies. He has 39-years' experience in working with local schools to address crisis issues, along with bullying and sexual abuse issues. He offers Disaster and emotional consultant support to various LE and EMS agencies throughout the state.